10 Last-Minute Tips for Doing Your Best on the SAT

Tomorrow is the big day, but FEAR NOT! Here are some last-minute tips for doing your best on the SAT which might make all the difference.

1. Go to bed early.

Go to be early the night before the big test (and set several alarms if one won’t do the trick). If you’re having trouble falling asleep, try reading or listening to relaxing music.

2. Wake up at least two hours before the test.

I know this sounds terrible, but most people take more than an hour and a half to operate at full capacity.

3. Shower.

Even if you don’t usually shower in the morning, it will help to wake you up.

4. Eat a solid breakfast.

Don’t just inhale a bowl of sugary cereal; make sure you get a nice mix of fats, proteins, and carbs. If you’re a coffee person, drink coffee; if not, don’t. You don’t want to be too jittery if you aren’t used to caffeine in the morning. Also, drink lots of water and bring some with you. There is a ten minute break after the reading section if you need to hit the restroom.

5. Prime your brain.

A productive way to spend your quiet time before you leave the house is to look over some completed SAT problems. You don’t have to review entire lessons, but it doesn’t hurt to remind yourself of a certain type of math problem or common grammatical mistake. This is not about trying to get in extra practice, but about gearing up for the test.

6. Be prepared.

Make sure you have everything before leaving—ID, ticket, calculator, pencils, and especially some snacks/something to drink.

7. Cast your fears aside.

In your car, before you enter the testing center, literally write down your fears about the test. Really. Write small things like: I suck at fractions or big things like: I’ll never get into college. Getting these fears out of your head and on to paper will allow you to put them aside and focus on your goal. Crumpling up your list of fears and tossing it into the trash is particularly cathartic!

8. Make a smooth entrance.

Get into the testing room a bit early, choose your lucky seat, and try not to talk to your friends. Play it cool, you’re in the zone.

9. Relax.

You’ve put in the hours and effort to maximize your score. Now you must trust that these efforts will be rewarded. It’s time to do your thing.

10. Exude confidence.

Finally, GET PUMPED! When you get a chance, even though it can look silly, stand up and do a power pose. You’re killing this test!