Register for Camp at Sage by Filling out the Form Below

Parent and Student Information


_____ I understand I will not be allowed to enter Sage Educators facilities for the duration of the pandemic except in the case of emergency. _____ I will inform all authorized pickup and drop off persons of this guideline. _____ I understand that if I do need to enter the facility in the case of emergency I will wash my hands before entering and wear a mask. I will maintain social distancing of 6ft at all times. _____ I understand I am to keep my child home at any sign of illness. Similarly, if a teacher notices any signs or symptoms of illness with a student, they will notify me or the emergency contact and we are to pick up our child within 30 minutes. _____ I understand that Sage Educators’ staff will be employing measures to ensure the health and safety of students, all of which are outlined below and if my child fails to cooperate with suggested procedures, I will be notified and could forfeit my child’s place in a camp. _____ I understand that outside of Sage Educators, I will comply with any and all local, County, and State stay-at-home orders, as well as limit my exposure to other community members, performing only essential errands and duties as permitted (i.e. grocery shopping). In the interest of the health and safety of Sage staff and students, and in accordance with county guidelines, we will: -Take every child’s temperature at the beginning of each day, and take a specific child’s temperature any time there is a concern that child may have a fever. -Upon entering the classroom, if applicable, require children and adults to wash hands. Repeat throughout the day as necessary. -Teach and reinforce washing hands and covering coughs and sneezes among children and staff. Students are required to bring a personal hand sanitizer, in addition to those provided by Sage. -Teach and reinforce mandatory use of cloth face coverings among all staff. Cloth face coverings will be encouraged for students while indoors. Staff will be frequently reminded not to touch the face covering and to wash their hands frequently. -Ensure safe and correct application of disinfectants and keep products away from children. -Ensure ventilation systems operate properly and increase circulation of outdoor air as much as possible by opening windows and doors, using fans, or other methods. -Sanitize the sink and toilet handles before and after each child’s use. -Teach children to use a tissue when using the handle to flush the toilet. -Wash hands for 20 seconds and use paper towels (or single use cloth towels) to dry hands thoroughly. Please contact your Sage Director for any specific precautions you’d like enforced apart from what is listed here.
Please join us in our effort to level the playing field by donating to the Sage Educators Foundation (a 501 c3 organization). All proceeds will go directly to providing educational opportunities to deserving students in need. No donation is too small; every little bit helps. Thank you for your generosity.
Payment reserves a seat in the camp for which you register. After a payment is made, there will be a 50% penalty for any cancellations made more than two weeks prior to the first day of class. Within two weeks of the first day of camp, there will be NO REFUNDS for cancellations or no-shows for any reason.